Hardly Any Connection to LingQ in China

LingQ has been blocked in China for about a half year now. With my computer it’s all fine because I can get a VPN very easily, but for my phone since I have an iPhone I can’t really download a good vpn. My phone is my best resource for language learning since I can take it with me on runs and such.

I really want to keep using LingQ, and I want my girlfriend to use it too, but it’s getting increasingly hard to connect to in China. (I’m guessing because of the political stuff shared on the Cantonese portion of the App.)

Is there anything that can be done?

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Related question: why can’t you use a VPN on your iPhone? Is it a China/Apple thing? I’m not in China, but use them on my iPhone and iPad all the time.

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I found VPN24 and HotspotShield were good VPNs for iPhone while in China a couple of months ago. They’re not free, though.

I use NordVPN to listen on my phone in China and it works fine

I had all kinds of problems with NordVPN while in China. It just didn’t work for me on multiple devices.