What's your gut say?

What’s your gut say?

Is this sentence correct?
I don’t understand why IS and SAY are in the sentence together.
I think the sentence should be like, “what does your gut say”.

You are correct. In this sentence the " 's " is short for “does” not “is” . It is common (especially in spoken English) to use what’s instead of “what does” or “what has” (ex. what’s happened here)


You are correct.
What’s your gut say? is incorrect
What does your gut say? is correct

@Nia - But ”What’s your gut say?“ is not incorrect in spoken colloquial English. It’s a normal expression…

It is perfectly acceptable for native English speakers to talk this way, just like it’s acceptable for a native English doctor to exclaim, “I ‘ain’t going anywhere!”

In my example, the doctor fully knows of course the ‘proper‘ expression should be, “I am not going anywhere”. But the doctor and his listener/s fully understand the nuance intended by the colloquial expression, which “I’m not going anywhere” doesn’t convey.

This is not to be confused with native speakers making grammatical errors…
Non native speakers need to accept that sometimes native English speakers say things the way we do because that’s the way it’s actually said, or because of the register it’s spoken in, or because of the nuance intended.