The week before

She was in Paris last week and in Rome the week before.

The phrase “the week before” has to be used with “last week” together?
Can it be used by itself without last week?
I mean if I say:
She was in Rome the week before. ----> Does it make sense if I didn’t mention the first part (she was in Paris last week)?

Thank you!!!

The week before just refers to a week prior to whatever time period you are talking about. It can even be used in the future tense “I need to buy my plane ticket a week before I leave” you just need to provide a reference point in time. In the example you gave this was “last week” but it could be any time.

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She was in Rome the week before. ----> Does it make sense if I didn’t mention the first part (she was in Paris last week)?

No. You can say, ‘She was in Rome the week before last.’

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