Feature suggestion: term in context on a flashcard

At the moment on the flashcard we can have a lingq term in large font, like “bites” and an example from a lesson text in a small font, like “Another one bites…”

It would be useful to be able to select in flashcard preferences another possibility - the whole sentence from a lesson text with the lingq term / phrase highlighted, e.g. made bold, like: “Another one bites the dust.” This text could be presented in a larger font on the flashcard, the actual font size would probably have to depend on the length of the sentence.

The point is I don’t care for words without context and the context that lingq displays now is often too short to make sense of and doesn’t draw attention to the lingq term.


That’s a good idea. A longer context would be helpful.

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hi, thanks for your suggestion.

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I totally agree with this suggestion: I don’t quite see the point of presenting only part of the sentence in which the word or phrase appears. No flashcard app would give you meaningless chunks of sentences to contextualize a word.

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Here is (what I think is) an elloquent example of why the source sentences must be expanded for the learning process to be effective and meaningful. Restricting example sentences to meaningless chunks not only jeopardizes contextualization of the lingq-ed words/phrases, as artm pointed out, but it also renders flashcards rather pointless as a learning and memorization tool:


I totally agree. And this has consequences in the review activities. Take for example this card from a multiple choice. How am I supposed to guess the word from this source text?
limitations of context in vocab revision


Dear @zoran, I’ve been using the flashcards functionality for a couple of weeks now and I’m getting pretty frustrated with how useless it is by the mere fact that the source sentences are chopped into meaningless chunks you just can’t work with. Is there any technical reason for such a choice, which I haven’t seen in any other language learning app I’ve used or checked? Are there any plans to use meaningful, complete sentences as context at any point in future? Thanks!

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At the moment we don’t have in plans to make changes there, but we’ll see what can be do to improve things in the future.

Noted. Thanks for your reply, Zoran.