Pronunciation of "сразу"

Hi, The automated voice that pronounces words is very helpful but I’ve discovered an anomaly, the word “сразу”. When I make this into a yellow linked word, the automated voice speaks “велосиредом”. I cannot think why that should be. Has anybody else had the same experience? When “сразу” is embedded in a sentence the automated voice pronounces it correctly. The error only seems to occur when the individual word is linked. Peter


I recently experienced the same with a different word. I don’t remember which. I don’t usually use tts, so I cannot guess how pervasive the problem is. It was only one among several in the pages that I was reading, however.

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I’ve had the same issue with Russian. I cannot think of an exact example, but yesterday my Text to Speech said completely random things when I tried to get the pronunciation of a certain word. Glad to know that I am not alone with this issue.

I’d assumed that we were in the support forum here, but I see that’s not the case. If it persists, it may be worth bringing up there to ensure that it gets the proper attention.

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