Top 25 terms

I read an article in “Two Weeks at LingQ Academy”
Day 7 , It said :
“take it a habit to go through your Top 25 terms that you find on your Home page.”

Where can I find the top 25 terms on home page? as I could not find it.

You can find your 25 (or more) terms on the Vocabulary tab on the home page. Depends of how many LingQs you have selected to be sent to you each day (minimum 25, maximum 200) on the Notification Settings page, list will be sent to you via email and you will also get Daily LingQs notification on the site. You can then go through this list and review your Daily LingQs.
Under the Filters on the Vocabulary tab, under SRS Date you can see LingQs for each day and go through them.