Problem importing ebook

Hi all,

I’ve using for a while Lingq and is great, but I realize that sometimes I waste a lot of time because of the formatting of the lesson. If you are not very good in the language, a missing end of line or punctuation can mean spending much more time in that part of the text.

I’ve tried a lot of of different methods and still don’t have any idea how Lingq is handling the formatting in its end.

what do I want to achieve?
Lets put as an example chinese version of Harry Potter. I have the epub and I want import it. This is epub using the Calibre Viewer (would love to be able to read like this):

Will import in different methods and see what is the result in Lingq.

  1. Importing directly as an EPUB

Just press “+”, import as an epub and drag it.

So we get a full block… Missing all end of lines.

2… Use Calibre to convert it to TXT
When I convert in Calibre I set “TXT otput”:

  • Output endconding, utf8
  • Line ending style, windows
  • Formatting, plain

This is what I see when I open the TXT file using vim:

This is what I see when I import the lesson:

So the end of lines are there, but when import they disappear?

  1. Use Calibre to convert to htmlz

I just convert to htmlz, extract the index.html.

Opening the index.html with the browser I see:

So now I will copy that part of the text, and paste it in Lingq, and add the lesson. Text:



I can’t add more images… so will describe what is going on.

  1. No end lines.

  2. The closing quote disappear (this have give me a lot of headaches when reading).

  3. Copy the HTML paste in TXT and format it.

What I did is copy in the vim editor as txt, then replace all the \n (unix end of line) with \r\n (windows end of line). But didn’t work either, the end of lines end up disappearing (to bad can’t add more pictures).


I had to deal with a lot of different format problems in the past, in very low level, but can’t figure out what is going on in Lingq. Would be possible to have a better import guide? with details about how Lingq internally is dealing with end of lines, symbols, etc?


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I’m trying to read the second book of Harry Potter, and still have this problem when importing…

Replacing \n with \n\n in txt works for me. It adds empty lines in between which are visible also on lingq reader but line endings don’t disappear.

Just tried adding \n\n and didn’t work… as well tried ^M and nothing