How do I Undo Marking Words as Known?

I’m just starting to learn Finnish, and I was scrolling through a chapter of an advanced book because I was curious, but I accidentally went all the way to the ‘complete’ lesson’ page and suddenly all the words in that lesson were marked as known when I certainly do not know them. Is there any easy way to fix this than to go back through the chapter and make each individual word a lingQ?

Paging lessons automatically moves all remaining blue words on that page to known. We assume you have created LingQs for all unknown words before paging. If you do want to read the whole text, you can choose the Full Text option to see the full lesson at once without removing blue words.

Automatic removal of blue words can be turned off in the Settings for the Reader. Just click the gear icon in the top right corner of the Reader. The “Move words to known” option is the one to turn off. However, this just means that when you click the complete Lesson option on the last page, all your blue words for the whole lesson will be moved to known. There is no reason to keep blue words. The idea is that you either need to learn them or they are known. (or you can ignore words).

Having said that, you can click on all white words to make them blue again and create LingQs for them. So, if you are reading, and come across a word you incorrectly marked as known or ignored, just click on it to make it blue.

Finally, you can reset your language in your Language Settings - Login - LingQ

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Ah, I forgot about the full text option! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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