Love the LingQ method but I want to learn Welsh

Hey, so I’ve found that reading is the most effective method for me to learn a language, particularly with the aid of LingQ. I was wondering, as I would like to learn Welsh, if Welsh is anywhere near to being on LingQ or if there’s a LingQ alternative where I could learn Welsh? It would be great to at least get one Celtic language on LingQ btw.


I had the same problem as you a year ago. I wanted to learn Afrikaans but only Dutch existed on LingQ. What I did was ask around online, on various forums dedicated to language learning and other Afrikaans forums for someone willing to help me add it. LingQ says that to add a language to the site you need online dictionaries, some news sites in the language, a short grammar guide and to have a native speaker translate and narrate the 60 mini stories on LingQ to be able to start the language. If you are eager enough to learn Welsh I strongly suggest you find some people to help you with the mini stories part, and the rest is as simple as knowing how to google.

If you Email the people at LingQ they can run down what you need to do to add the language. It is time consuming but in my experience it worth it because Afrikaans and Welsh are both sort of ‘unknown’ and small languages that don’t get enough love in the language learning community. Especially outside of their geographic areas.


Yeah but unfortunately Ive read accounts on the forums of languages that people submitted all ministories for with no word from the company on the status as the years tick away. There are definitely people willing to contribute that would be more eager if the process were more transparent


I can’t speak for those people but I would just urge people to try and reach out again and again if such is the case. What I’ve mainly heard about people who had completed mini stories is that they were all subpar. It’s what I heard about both the Vietnamese and the (previous) Afrikaans mini stories. Learning Romanian myself I can testify to the fact that a lot of these mini stories weren’t the greatest.

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That is a good idea. There are societies dedicated to the preservation of the Welsh language. Some of their members might be willing to do this.


If you find someone with a decent microphone and that’s a native in the Welsh language this could be done within the year.

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I’m also learning Welsh and don’t have the time/inclination/friends to get Welsh into LingQ if it’s even possible. There is an app called Language With Texts which is like LingQ but doesn’t have audio or video. I have the Welsh transcript of the video I’m watching on the Language With Texts app and listen to the video on YouTube at the same time. Marking off the words like I do on LingQ. It’s a little laborious I guess because not much Welsh content comes with transcripts. I use Galés con Marian on YouTube which is comprehensible input content and usually have to type the transcripts myself, which although time consuming is pretty helpful. In the absence of Welsh on LingQ, it might be worth a try?

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