Does it (really) matter if I consume content that's translated from my L1 to L2?

*L1 - native language, L2 - target language

Whenever I go to the bookstore and find stuff I want to read (non-fiction for the most part), I check if there’s any Spanish translation available on Amazon. This is to combine my two favorite hobbies, reading and learning languages. To kill two birds with one stone, basically. I mean, if I really wanna learn a language why wouldn’t I want to consume stuff in that language/that natives would.

However, I’ve been thinking whether or not the fact that it’s translated from English to Spanish is going to affect the subtle ways I express myself, e.g in English we say ‘to run the risk of’, and when translated in Spanish it’s ‘correr el riesgo de.’ I’m unsure if this would be natural for a Spanish person to say since it seems like an English expression merely translated into another language.

I’m sure a good professional translator hired for translating a major publication will render it in a way that is idiomatic in the target language, rather than translating English idioms word-for-word… but a mediocre translator of a minor work might not - best to ask native speakers of your target language who have already read the translated version whether they though the book sounded unidiomatic to them.