Invite Your Friends to LingQ

Invite Your Friends

We have just launched our new Invite a Friend and Referral program. You will find the Invite page when you click on the Earn Points link in the top right corner of the site. You will also find links to “Get Free Points” on the Account and Points pages.

You will see that you will be able to cut and paste a referral url into an email or onto a website or blog. Or, you can send an email invitation containing this url, to your contacts from Google, Yahoo or Hotmail or manually enter your friends’ emails and send them invitations.

Incidentally, we have also added your referral url to your banners and badges. Therefore, anyone coming to the site after clicking on your banner or badge will also be tracked as a referral.

Earn Points When They Upgrade

Any of your friends who do sign up after clicking on your referral url will be tracked by the system and you will receive 200 points each month for any referral who upgrades to Basic, Plus or Premium Membership. You will receive this referral bonus every month for as long as your friend continues as a Basic, Plus or Premium member.

You can see which of your friends have registered and which of your friends have upgraded, on the Referrals page.

Get your friends LingQing and learning!

It think it’d be better to give more points if a friend upgrades to plus/premium.

Hi Vincent,

That would introduce a whole new level of complexity in monitoring when you start factoring in upgrading and downgrading of membership. It is much simpler to only differentiate Free members from Paying members.

Have we any offline referral codes? I mean, when I invite somebody offline (I do it rather often, as I am talkative not only in Internet, but in real life too), can I give just the title of the site ( and asked to type somewhere “Cakypa” (I remember, that when I signed up to LingQ, there were field “Referral code” in registration form).

HI Rasana,

That’s a good suggestion. We will get that implemented. Your referrals will just enter your username in the Referral Code box on the registration page.

Hi Rasana,

This is now implemented. Your friends can just type your username “Cakypa” in to the Referral Code field on the registration page and they will be added to your list of referred members.

By the way, how are you all making out with this new referral system? Any questions?