Mp3 Download button issues

Anyone else having problems with the download button, just to the left of the play button? It used to work great - press it and the download would happen without going off the page. Now when I press it changes the page to another with just the player. It is now a hassle because there are extra steps to download and you lose your original page position.

I can’t reproduce that, it downloads the file fine for me. Can you post a link to a lesson where you noticed the issue?

Here is a lesson Login - LingQ and here is the link it goes to when I press the arrow

Thanks. That specific lesson doesn’t have audio file uploaded in mp3 format, instead it has audio URL added on the import lesson page. For lesson that do have audio uploaded, download will start right after you click on the download button in player. For lessons with audio URL, it will lead to audio player where you can download it.