Importing Genki (Japanese Textbook) Into LingQ (and why it's better this way)


If you’re studying Japanese using LingQ, then I recommend this video that shows you how to import the popular Genki books. I find it much easier to read, listen and look up new words this way. and wanted to share it with others who are learning the same language as myself.

More to come, stay tuned.


As awesome as this is I think the effort of typing up every single lesson myself feels far too slow. I might give it a try but I am not sure if this is a good use of my time versus importing web content from somewhere else in a few seconds.

I wish I could just use your existing lessons but I completely understand why this isn’t a possibility.

the one way you might get around this is… if you take a picture of the text and import that into LingQ using this method: Importing Textbooks into LingQ - YouTube

However, I wonder if the Furigana will cause problems… Anyways, I don’t mind typing out the text, it’s actually good practice IMO. Plus the dialogues aren’t too long. I tried finding an easier and faster solution but I have not found Genki in .doc format

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Yep, I tend to “notice” more from this hands-on/tactile approach than reading alone, and I can touch-type in whatever language I’ve studied (except Farsi) anyway. It’s been good to breathe new life into older みんなの日本語 texts from Uni days, as well as Genki.

I’m especially excited now I can use Sentence Mode for pre-digital era materials once gathering dust, especially my 80s Phillips language parallel text in several languages and 3 levels. Even though the Google translate/audio for sentence mode isn’t perfect, it’s soooo much better than having none at all, and doesn’t detract from learning. (We learn from exposure and experience with other audio)

So yeh, typing and importing into LingQ is great. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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