100-day Chinese streak! :)

After the last streak of around 60 days and a one day slip there, I made a resolution to reach 100.
I saw someone saying that’s where the magic happens, so let’s see… :slight_smile:

I’m sure there are people with way longer streaks though. What’s your PB?
Could LingQ make this a permanent public statistic on one’s profile? That would be cool, certainly motivating for me. Let’s see if it’s in my power to get it up to 365 :slight_smile:
The progress I feel just after the last 100 days though is incredible. I am soon finished reading my first book in Chinese (a translation of Ashlee Vance’s Elon Musk’s biography) and it’s been going great. Definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to give their Chinese another kick. I found it’s actually easier than reading news or articles, but that’s maybe because the book is a translation and I have the English original available any time I can’t make out the meaning myself. Or because after a while you get used to the terminology and the author’s style. Anyway, having the original on the side saves a lot of time and energy and I will definitely continue with this method for another 8-10 books I already have waiting for me in both Chinese and English (Larry Page/Sergey Brin, Jeff Bezos, Gary Vaynerchuk, Steve Jobs and a few other biographies). I learn a lot from the idiomatic translations that I would otherwise probably have not been able to figure out myself.



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100 Days! Great Motivation. Good Work!


My PB is 70 for Swedish. I let it lapse recently to focus on a single language for now… My Chinese streak is 46, so hopefully in a month I’ll have a new PB.

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My current streak is 25 which would have been higher if I was not hungover and missed one day would have probably been around 45-49

For me, it’s the 90 Day Challenge streaks, or maybe a little beyond that. During the first one LingQ did (in 2014), your 90 Challenge stats were available to select and show. Now you just have to do the last “three months.”

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Well done! This is very encouraging.

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I’m much more impressed by your total words than the 100 day streak. What did you average per day?

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I started with Chinese here on LingQ in October 2016 (March 2015 with the language itself), in total around 280 days, so a bit over 100 per day average, it gets a bit slower now to raise the word count as I need to cover more text, but I can read more quickly so if I have a good day I can still do 300+ per day, reading for around 6-8 hours

Congratulations, that’s awesome.

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May I ask where you get the Chinese translations from?

They are on Chinese amazon, but I also found them by 百度. if you want, just write me an email at 3044505352(at)qq.com and I will send them to you

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Holy… thats amazing i think i need to do the same. If you can do it so can I, really great work btw!!

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