New user says hello

Bonjour a tous! I just wanted to take a moment to say hello and comment on my brief experience as a LingQ member so far. It’s been great! The interactions I’ve had have surprised in the sense that I wasn’t expecting to find such a sense of community here. Actually, this was my second surprise; the first being how much I enjoy the learning system. Hope you all have a great day in whichever part of the world you are in!


Bienvenue et amuse-toi bien!

Witamy i baw się dobrze!

Welcome and good study for you.

Welcome and very nice to hear you say that. I hope you enjoy your studies at LingQ and our community for a long time.

Welcome aboard and good luck with your studies!

Hi I’m new too. It’s great to find a community who all enjoy learning languages independently using a similar method.

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I would like to welcome everyone and introduce myself: I am Bernd from Germany and I am very happy that I discovered LingQ. In a conversation (in the internet) with HJ Hoge, Steve told about this program. At the same time he encouraged me very much. He talked about his age and how many languages he has learned since he was 70 years old. I am 73 and never had the chance to learn English at school. So this was an important information for me.
I tried to teach myself English in various ways, but I never felt that I could really speak it. I have the hope now to go further.
All the best to you and God bless you!
Herzliche Grüße!


Hi Bernd, In Japanese terms you are my senpai so I am supposed to respect you, which I probably would if we met. Just joking. I think it’s great that you have joined our community. Age has nothing to do with language learning in my experience. It’s all about our motivation, our mental flexibility, our willingness to project ourselves into another language environment and whether or not we enjoy learning languages. herzliche Grüße und viel Glück

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Thank you, Steve, for your great understanding. I’m only a short time at LingQ, but I’ve already discovered how much valuable material is to be found. Thank you very much! So far I did not know the term “senpai”, but I find it very interesting and a bit philosophical. All the best!