Ivanka Trump-brand shoes from China

“A man investigating working conditions at a Chinese company that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been arrested and two others are missing, the arrested man’s wife and an advocacy group said Tuesday.”–AP

Does Ivanka want to disregard her father’s ambiguous slogan: “America First” and “Buy American”?

I wonder if Ivanka is distressed/heartbroken by this news or is she, in the privacy of her own thoughts, cheering on China’s secret police.

And is this a favor China is doing for the Trump family?

Is investigating working conditions at factories that produce goods to be sold abroad unlawful in “the People’s” China?

Incidentally, there is a site for language learners called “italki”. If I were to post a comment there like this, what would happen? (I have been using its “instant tutoring” service lately. Some tutors are very good and others do not suit me as well.)

“italki was founded by Kevin Chen and Yongyue Jiang in 2007, and officially registered in Hong Kong, with a development center in Shanghai, China.”–Wikipedia

“Hua Haifeng is suspected of wiretapping device using by the police, and has been detained currently.”
(China Labor Watch)

“Hua Haifeng was accused of illegal surveillance, according to his wife, Deng Guilian, who said the police called her Tuesday afternoon. Deng said the caller told her she didn’t need to know the details, only that she would not be able to see, speak with or receive money from her husband, the family’s breadwinner. The crime carries a penalty of up to two years’ imprisonment.” (AP News)

If LingQ were to start a “instant tutoring” service, I would take it. Reserving a lesson beforehand is one of the obstacles we face, if we want to spend more time practicing speaking.