What's the meaning of this word: hecerselas?

What’s the meaning of this word: hecerselas?

Do you mean hacerselas? The second letter is an A?

That can take on a few meanings. It could be hacerse + las OR, hacerlelas" which is changed to hacerselas.

What is the sentence?

My apologies, you’re right it’s “hacerselas”, The sentence is: “Si tienes preguntas, puedes hacerselas al tutor” and it comes from one of the courses: LingQ 101 - Getting Started, 6) Vocabulario.

I appreciate your help on this, I have just started with learning Spanish, and everything is still quite new and “awkward” in the language too me.

okay. this means, “if you have questions, you can ask them to the tutor.”

“hacer una pregunta” - to ask a question. literally to make a question

if you wanted to say, “ask them,” you would say “hacerlas”. if you wanted to say “ask them to me,” you would say “hacermelas”. however, if you wanted to say “ask them to him,” you CAN’T say “hacerlelas.”

le+lo/la/los/las = se /Lo/las, etc

Thanks a Mill for the explanation, it makes much more sense now.