Verbs like gustar

Hello Dear Learners !
I hope everyone is having a good time.

I have a few questions about verbs like gustar, because I am a little bit confused.

Before I start asking, I just want to say that I would use the word “object” for the thing which is being liked-- like in English.

  1. When I say something is pleasing me, where should I put the object? I feel like I see it sometimes before “gustar” and sometimes after. For example: “Me encanta la pizza” and “Me encanta viajar.” Is that because in the first sentence the object is a noun and in the second sentence the object is a verb? Or is it Interchangeable ?

  2. If I want to say " I like + [pronoun ]" and I want to use the pronouns which are usually omitted. Should I use the subject pronouns [tú, ella, el, …] ? such that

I like you → tú me gustas
He like her → Ella le gusta
She like them → Ellos le gustan

Please help me. I tried to be so general because some of the examples out there were so confusing.
Thanks in advance

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