I have been struggling to collect Lingq. But I don't know it is the best way to use Lingq System

Hello there,
I have been using Lingq for about one month to learn Spanish. Before that, I studied Michel Thomas materials and it has really helped me to learn basics. Now, I can understand beginner a1 -a2 materials on Lingq. I have started to read as much as possible. In these articles unknown words are between %30 - %40. I lingqed every unknown words and try to understand main story behind the lesson. But actually i don’t know whether it is a good way to learn or not ? Because I don’t study grammar, I don’t study vocabulary etc. I just click on the word that i don’t know it’s meaning and go on. When i reach my goal then I review my lessons and wait for the next day.

By the way , I am not a native English Speaker but I try to learn Spanish through my English. But my english level is not very good, indeed.Do this situation make my Spanish limit in certain level?

What do you think about my study routine on Lingq? Is it possible to learn a language in that way?

Thanks for your response in advance.

Hello! From my experience as a learner and language instructor I’d say you learn a lot of grammar intuitivaly, listening and reading. Studying grammar is not an obbligation. You can look for grammar explanations if you feel you need them. If you see you can understand more and more without it I’d say it’s not necessary now. Maybe when you start speaking you start having more doubts and you start checking grammar books. But for the moment I think you’re doing great! I’ve learned Italian that way. I’m quite fluent now and I haven’t opened a grammar book yet! But for Japanese I do need to check some explanations to help me understand. But I never do exercices, I don’t learn grammar rules either (and yes, I’m a language teacher!)
About learning Spanish through English, it’s possible, as long as you feel comfortable doing it. If you see your English level doesn’t allow you to go further in Spanish, then you can switch the interface to another language you know better. Dictionnaries are also available in other languages.


Thank you for your response. As you are learning German Do you use flash card or similar method? I have just watched a video of a polyglot named Olly and he explain his daily study routines on below videos. In his videos learning vocabulary through flash cards and taking notes has very decent role.

I agree with Katy: yes, you are doing the right thing; and you might want to swtich to a Turkish dictionary if they have it on LingQ and you start to get stuck in advancing your Spanish.

Que tenga buena suerte, amigo!

Hi! You need to do what you like. I don’t really enjoy flashcards, I don’t use them to learn languages. I have very little time to dedicate to the new languages I’m learning so I’m focussing on listening a lot, because I can do it anywhere, at anytime, even in my bed if I wake up in the middle of the night. but that’s my way of learning, it’s not necessarily yours. Try things and you’ll see if you like it and if it works for you.

“…even in my bed if I wake up in the middle of the night.”

lol you’re awesome.

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LOL I really do that. Listing audio lessons is my personnal meditation programm. It helps me relax, forget everything else.