Era una de esas personas que se hacen a si mismas

Please, can someone help me translate, this is a strange and complicated sentence.

Era una de esas personas que se hacen a si mismas a base de deshacer a aquellas que se cruzan en su camino

Not sure what “a si mismas” or “a base” or a lot of the words mean.

Thank you.

Not sure, but something along the lines of:

He/she was one of those people who made themselves what they are by taking out/destroying those who they meet ???

Is there more paragraph to get context?

“a sí mismas” = themselves;

“a base de deshacer” = by undoing/ruining (something);

“aquellas que se cruzan en su camino” = those who cross your path/come your way

Good luck

I think your translation is 100% accurate.

I was confused becauses “mismas” usually means “the same”.

Thank you.

I’d say:

S/he was one of those people who build themselves up by tearing down those who stand in their way.

Thermomixer’s translation is right.

“a sí mismas” = themselves
“a sí misma” = himself/herself/itself/yourself (formal)
“a mi misma” = myself
“a ti misma” = yourself

Yes, thank you, I understand now.