Herminia is people know what a chicken


Herminia is from town; she knows what a hen is.

To me this sentence doesn’t make any sense.

I would translate it as:

Herminia is from the country. She knows what a chicken is.
Herminia is from a small town. She knows what a chicken is.


Herminia is people know what a chicken

Which is totally different from

Herminia is from the country. She knows what a chicken is.

This is just Google translate not learning a vocabulary or a language

Herminia is people know what a chicken

Which is totally different from

Herminia is from the country. She knows what a chicken is.

This is just Google translate not learning a vocabulary or a language


What is your question?
What is your problem?

Steve translated it in a good way!


Yes but I assumed the course will give you an answer not a stupid response that you have to go on the forum to make sense of I might as well just use Google Translate

Maybe this helps:


@willjam It’s hard to tell from your English exactly what you are asking. The translation I suggested to you provides a more general idea of what the sentence means, but as you didn’t provide more context, it’s hard to say exactly. Here is the definition of pueblo in the RAE:

  1. m. Ciudad o villa.

  2. m. Población de menor categoría.

  3. m. Conjunto de personas de un lugar, región o país.

  4. m. Gente común y humilde de una población.

  5. m. País con gobierno independiente.

IMHO, literally translating the meaning of each of these definitions doesn’t convey the same meaning in English. But again, without context it’s hard to tell.

Hope this helps.

Give yourself a little time to get used the system. For the word “pueblo” in this lesson, the translation suggested to me in the box to the right was "town, common people, " a User Hint chosen most frequently by other users (190 of them). The next Hint suggested is “town, village” chosen by 90 people. You do not need to use the google translate translation if it is not appropriate to this context.

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