More Romanian to read and correct

Nu știu
I do not know

nu este adevarat
That`s not true

that does not make it any easier for me
care nu face mai ușor pentru mine

the suitcase is not heavy but light
valiza nu este greu, dar lumina

Was it you who broke the vase? No, not me!
A fost voi care a spart vaza? Nu, nu-mi!

Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to pay.
Fie că vă place sau nu

what romanian does not like a fast ride
ceea ce nu-i place romana o plimbare rapida

acest lucru nu este o glumă
This is not a joke

el nu a avut timp
he did not have time

the book turned out to be not what i thought
cartea sa dovedit a fi nu ceea ce am crezut

people would barely recognize you
persoane pe care le-ar recunoaște abia

he couldn’t help smiling
el nu a putut ajuta zâmbet

Nu e nevoie
There is no need

nu il mentiona
don`t mention it