Incorrect English hints for Portuguese verb tenses

Hi everyone,

I’ve recently been doing a lot of reading in Portuguese and I notice that for some verb tenses, English hints are systematically in the wrong tense (or at least, I believe they are).

Verbs that are in the mais-que-perfeito (the equivalent of the English past perfect) are listed as being futuro do presente (the future simple). As you see in the example picture, when you click on ‘instalara’, it says ‘will install’ when the hint should be ‘had installed’. This happens for all, or almost all, verbs in this tense. I assume this is because in the third person singular, the tenses are written in the same way except for the accent on the final a in the future form. But the pronunciation is different and the meaning is very different. I’ve also seen many hints with ‘would’ that appear incorrect to me as well.

Firstly, am I correct? And secondly, if I am correct, is there a way to blanket change all the hints to put them in the correct tense?


Yes, you are correct about the verb tense. As for a way to blanket change all the hints, I have no idea, I suggest you ask support.