Congeminar is not in the google translator or in my

congeminar is not in the google translator or in my dictionary by Lello e irmao (Porto, 1961). Either it is a misprint - consternava, contemplava something along those lines, or I guess it might mean that her thoughts were twinned/parallel to his in some way, “she was cooking up her own schemes”

It’s not a misprint. Congeminar means to think a lot about something, mostly something that is occupying your mind, and you imagine possible solutions.

You can also try this online dictionary:

congeminar - (latim congemino, -are)
verbo transitivo

  1. Meditar, cismar.
    verbo transitivo e intransitivo

  2. Pensar muito sobre um assunto. = CISMAR, IMAGINAR

“congeminar”, in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [em linha], 2008-2013, congeminar - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português

A similar word would be “matutar”
ma·tu·tar (matuto + -ar)
verbo intransitivo

  1. [Informal] Pensar muito sobre algo. = MEDITAR, REFLECTIR

  2. [Informal] Ter uma ideia fixa. = CISMAR

“matutar”, in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [em linha], 2008-2013, matutar - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português

Very helpful, Fernanda. looks to be pretty authoritative, just what is needed at my level.
I also checked out your LingQ homepage and shall investigate your recommended links there too.

Matutar was new to me as well. Hereabouts, the word matuto is something like a country bumpkin (but probably better at thinking things out that than the neurotic town dwellers, like this man in Strasbourg (“desencontros” episodes))

I’ve never heard the word “matuto” in Portugal, it is possibly used in Brazil:

(mato + -uto)

  1. Que é relativo ao mato.
    adjectivo e substantivo masculino

  2. Que ou aquele que vive no mato.

  3. [Brasil] Que ou aquele que vive no interior, no campo. = CAIPIRA, ROCEIRO, SERTANEJO

  4. [Brasil, Depreciativo] Que ou aquele que é considerado rústico, simples, grosseiro ou ignorante. = CAIPIRA

  5. [Brasil: Nordeste] Que ou aquele que revela timidez. = ACANHADO, CAIPIRA, ENCABULADO, TÍMIDO

  6. [Figurado] Maníaco.

  7. [Informal] Matreiro; finório.

“matuto”, in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [em linha], 2008-2013, matuto - Dicionário Online Priberam de Português

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