들리다 means "to hear" but what does mean the ending "려드린" or maybe just "드린"?

들리다 means “to hear” but what does mean the ending “려드린” or maybe just “드린” ?

“이야기를 두 번 들려드린 후 질문과 답변을 나눌 거예요.”
=> After we read the story to you twice, we’ll share[have] questions and answers.

First, 듣다(listen, hear) and 들리다 (be heard) are related but separate verbs.

  • 듣다: 1) listen (actively), 2) hear (actively or passively).
  • 들리다: perceive a sound (naturally); a sound registers.

들리다 is technically a passive form of 듣다, but it’s meaning may be more than just a passive.

For example:

  • I heard a dog barking = (나는) 개 짖는 소리를 들었다 = 개 짖는 소리가 들렸다 (a sound of a dog barking was heard).

In English, “was heard” sounds factual and detached, but in Korean it is more personal and direct.
들리다 is another way of saying “to hear” with the focus on the sound itself.

For example “Do you hear that sound?” in the present tense would be better expressed as “(저 소리) 들려?” rather than the active form “저 소리 들어?”.

들리다 can have the causative sense by combining with -아/어 드리다 (unrelated to 들리다).
드리다 is the honorific form of 주다(give, hand to), a way of showing respect to superiors and elders.

주다 (and 들리다) can combine with other verbs to impart the sense of “do (something) for someone”.

So 들려주다/들려드리다 is constructed as 들리다 + -아/어 주다/드리다 → 들리어주다/드리다 → 들려주다/드리다.
It means “let someone hear/listen to something”, which is to say “tell or play a sound/story to someone”.
(려 in 려드린 is just an artifact of 리 in the stem of 들리다. The recurring part is -아/어 드리다 which may be written without the space too)

들려드린 can mean either a past occurrence of 들려드리다 or the result of such an action.

This form is how we say phrases like “after -ing”.

  1. 들려드린 후에 = 들려드린(having played for you) 후(the time after something)에(particle to convert the noun 후 to an adverbial “after something”) = after reading/playing (something).
  2. 먹기 전에 = 먹기(eating) 전(the time before something)에 = before eating.
  3. 책상 아래에 = 책상(desk) 아래(a region under something)에 = under the desk.
  4. 테이블 위에 = 테이블(table) 위(a region over something)에 = on the table.

#1 has a different structure because it refers to something that has already occurred, like “having -ed”.
The others refer to general possibilities, so [NOUN + 전/아래/위] suffices.

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