What does „am Zaun der Vertretung” mean?

What does „am Zaun der Vertretung” mean?

Hi jh. I am unable to open the lesson. This looks like it is from a newspaper, and is therefore a private lesson for you. The full sentence from the article is

“Der deutsche Botschafter Michael Klor-Berchtold hat am Zaun der Vertretung eine Informationstafel anbringen lassen, auf der iranischen Bürgern die deutsche Position erklärt wird”

I find the phrase also a little difficult to understand. The word ‘anbringen’ is new to me, but dict.cc says it means something like ‘to attach’ or ‘to fasten’ (dict.cc | anbringen | English Dictionary). My guess is that “Michael Klor-Berchtold hat am Zaun der Vertretung eine Informationstafel anbringen lassen” means that he had somebody put a message board on the fence of the embassy for people to read.

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Oh, thank you very much!