Case of hänellä

I figured, that this part means, his wife and he have 3 children. But I had another sentence with hän in it: “Hän on työssä siellä” which means he works as, if I am right. But what is the difference between: hänellä and hän in the sentences, when both have the same meaning “he”

In this case, “Hän on työssä siellä” → He works there.

“Hänella on kolme lasta” → He has three children

Generally speaking:

“hän on” → he/she is
“hänellä on” → he/she has

Continuing on from that:

“minä olen” → I am
“minulla on” → I have

“sinä olet” → You are
“sinulla on” → You have

“he ovat” → they are
“heillä on” → they have

