Well, if I'm reading a book, in case of say Russian, the issues are not phrasal verbs as much as verbs of motion or case endings. In this sentence, how do I understand "case endings"? Thank you!

Well, if I’m reading a book, in case of say Russian, the issues are not phrasal verbs as much as verbs of motion or case endings.

In this sentence, how do I understand “case endings”? Thank you!

We have in Russian, in Polish, in Turkish and some other languages a declention of the nouns with different cases - and the endings (=last letters) can be different, for example in Rusdsdian we have 6 cases:
именительный падеж: стол
родительный - столА
дательный - столУ
винительный - стол
творительный - столОМ
предложный - о столЕ

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Thank you for explaining “case endings” so detail. Now I understand what they mean.