放 很多很多 的 书 自己 呢 就 可以在 咖啡馆 里 当老板 What does 自己 呢 mean in this context?

放 很多很多 的 书 自己 呢 就 可以在 咖啡馆 里 当老板
What does 自己 呢 mean in this context?

自己 呢 is an interjection. I don’t quite get the paragraph but she wants to clarify that 自己 is the subject, I think? Perhaps the sentence got too cluttered for it to be clear who is the subject of “可以 在 咖啡馆 里 当老板”. 呢 doesn’t have a grammatical role within a sentence; it sort of asks the listener/reader to recall something from earlier.

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