News and polirics- About the elections in Russia

I wrote in Russian about the elections in Russia which took place in September and we spoke with Richard in Russian about them.
But there are a lot of people who don’t speak Russian but are intersted in politics thart’s why I gave here the English translation of my article about the results of the elections - HOPES IN VAIN.
The translation was made by Tim Coyle:

And here is a German version of my article about the elections in Russia “Vergebliche Erwartungen”:

I just read the article. A few small remarks on slips of the pen: in the paragraph beginning with “After the 1990s”: “formally” should be “formerly”. In the paragraph beginning with “Accordingly”, “belonging to the this party” should be “belonging to this party” and finally, in the paragraph beginning with “Interestingly”, instead of “the most opposition party”, I would say “the most oppositional party”.

Ich weiß nicht, ob ich hier irgendjemandem auf die Füße trete, aber die deutsche Übersetzung ist nicht besonders gut. Man versteht alles, aber es ist doch voller Fehler. Ich würde mir doch Gedanken machen, wenn das jemand zum Deutschlernen verwendete. Vielleicht kann noch mal ein Muttersprachler drübersehen. (Ich habe mir nicht die gesamte Tonaufnahme angehört, um sie zu beurteilen.)