Difficulties in translation (Трудности перевода)

Perhaps the most of the language learners faced the problem when they had some difficulties with the translation and comprehention even if they understand every word in the phrase.

I’ve written about it my new Russian article “Трудности перевода” (“Difficulties in Translation”) where I show in some examples that the ‘word by word’ translation is often wrong. We have to take into consideration not only the words, but also the logic of each language, the cultural aspects of the langueges etc. Here is the link to my article:
Советы учителя (Teacher's advice)-23. ТРУДНОСТИ ПЕРЕВОДА

But even if you can’t read in Russian, you can express your opinion about the problem with a translation from one language into another.

A language evolves from and with the culture of the area. Different cultures, different languages, different ways of expressing things… Although, generally, you can express the same idea in any language, one must be a fine connoisseur of both languages in order to sense the nuances when trying to translate something complex.

Very good article! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for your high estimation of my article.
I share your opinion that ‘a laqnguage evolves from and with the culture of the area’, that’s why ‘different languages have different ways of expressing’ the same things and subjects.
I gave some examples in my article. Here are two new examples.
We say in English ‘heavy traffic’, but we can’t translate into Russian with the same words “тяжелое движение” -it’s nonsense in Russian, our ‘heavy’ has a bit different connotation from our history and cultural experience: тяжелая сумка, тяжелая жизнь, тяжелый характер, тяжелая болезнь.
About the traffic we’d say: “оживлённое движение” or “большое, интенсивное движение”
But in German we also can’t say ‘schwerer Verkehr’, we’d say ‘starker Verkehr’
Or in French: ‘circulation animee’ which also far from word to word translation from English.
Or we say in Russian “сильный дождь”. But we can’t say in English ‘strong rain’, we’d say ‘downpour’ or I like the expression ‘it was raining cats and dogs’.
In German we say ‘Platzregen’ or ‘es regnet in Strömen’
Or in French - ‘l’averce’, ‘plue battante’.
Every language uses its own words and its own comparisons.

I agree with you. Sometimes its too hard to translate word to word, especially in legal translation etc.
Here is my blog dwaynef.edublogs.org
I recommend you this site in case misunderstanding or some problems with tranlstaion https://2polyglot.com