Your favourite content on LingQ? (Japanese)

Hey guys!

I’ve been getting a few podcasts transcribed to import into LingQ, and I was wondering what your favourite content is here on LingQ?

I personally found the JapaneseLingQ podcasts to be the most helpful, and they’re very interesting.

Any other lessons/courses you would recommend?

Thank you!


Just started going through the “patterns” course by LinQ and have found it very helpful for the more basic stuff. Other than that I really enjoy Emma00’s content even though it’s a little too advanced for me.

Emma and Emiko; Hitomi and her partner(husband), Tamaki (Westender) and her Husband; these are all intermediate and above… but they are great for the naturalness and warmth. A very nice feeling to listen to.

For beginners, the Rasana and Emma letters were easy to understand and sounded very authentic compared to most beginner content. Ken from Osaka also has a few nice blog like lessons that are quite interesting, about New York, etc… NHK Easy and this “10 minute box” (about science) are also great for intermediate learners. Outside of Lingq, this is an amazing (but difficult, so I use rikaikun) blog,, where they describe their travels to 40+ countries (but not the US :P).

And also since I’m running out of the Japanese Lingq podcasts, I hope they can add more since most of them are from around 2009… :smiley: