Read with audiobook helps?

I frequently listen that reading books with the audiobook, in some way, helps more than just read. Is it truth?

Please, if I wrote something wrong, correct me! I’m a novice student here.

“I frequently hear that reading books (along) with the audiobook, in some way, helps more than to just read. Is that true?”

Instead of “in some way”, “in one way or another” sounds more natural (at least to me). However, it is not necessary to include that in the sentence.

Sure it will help. You will be hearing and seeing the words together so it will build a greater connection. You can take it a step further and speak along with what you are reading (this is a technique called “Shadowing”, google it). What I usually do is read (only read) a chapter, this way I can slowly digest everything, then listen to it afterward.

I believe that it’s better here like also with the films with subtitles - you first listen to a chapter to have a general idea of the content.
After that you read it paying attention to some difficult phrases, and then you listen to it again.
But in any case, the audibooks can be a good resourсe for the language study.

As evidenced by the responses before, one of the big advantages of reading with with audiobooks is how many different ways you can work through the material depending on where you are with your language studies. You can read, listen, and repeat in whatever sequence you find it most beneficial. Working with audiobooks has been the greatest breakthrough for me in my language studies.