What is the meaning of "that's a go"? Is this

What is the meaning of “that’s a go”? Is this a phrasal verb?

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This is just a very colloquial phrase and perhaps in this context could be replaced more formally by something like

“That is something that would be well received” or “That is something that would be popular” or “That is something that would work”

The message here is one of positivity. For a contrasting example - “That’s a no go” - would convey a message of “don’t do that” or “that is not appropriate” or “that won’t work”.

Hope that helps…

that’s mean " that’s happened in the past "

It may apply more to action that is permissible or possible. Can we do this? Is it okay to start? Yes, that’s a go. Meaning it’s okay to go ahead and do it, or to start doing it.

(Re-reading your response, I do think you captured that @timb).

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