Is this a common question when ordering something at restaurant?

Is this a common question when ordering something at restaurant?

Absolutely, it’s a question I always ask the other people at my table ^^

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That’s a good example of what a waiter asks. It’s a little formal for friends to ask each other, imo. “what are you gonna have” “what do you want” “what are you getting”, etc, are more common with close friends.

Well put!

What a waiter would ask might be regional in nature. From where I hail a waiter or waitress would ask, “What would you like?” or “What can I get for you?”.

Do they say “perfect” a lot? I hate that.

Around here the waitress always says, “Whacha want, Sweetheart?” And in the more classy restaurants, the server does always respond to your order with “Perfect!”, or “Excellent!”, or “Good choice!”, or “My favorite!” I feel like he should give me a gold star on my napkin.