My name is milena

my name is milena

what is you question ?

You can learn new language. You can even mistake, no problem. It doesn’t matter; The matter is studying English every day.
My sentece is correct?

You can learn new language , You can even DO mistakeS,no problem.

Thank you!

You can learn new language , You can even MAKE mistakeS,no problem. Correction: you make mistakes, or make a mistake. You don’t “DO” mistakes. It is a fixed way of saying it.

“You can learn new language. You can even mistake, no problem. It doesn’t matter; The matter is studying English every day.
My sentece is correct?”

You can learn [a] new language. You [may make a lot of mistakes]. No problem …
You can learn a foreign language …

"You can buy a new car. "
I wonder what “new” in this sentence means. If you delete the adjective, does the meaning of the sentence drastically change? “You can buy a car.” Or, does the original sentence presuppose that you can also buy an “old” car? If that is the case, you cannot delete the “new” from the sentence.

What does “new language” mean? Does it mean a certain language different from your native language or another foreign language that is “new” to you? Or, does it mean one of the “contemporary” languages that can be differentiated from ancient languages?