What is the meaning of 得; for axample 我 做

What is the meaning of 得; for axample 我 做 得 很 好

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In this context, 得 denotes to the degree something is done.

我 做 得 很 好 - I did it (to the degree of) well

It will normally follow a verb when used like this. Bear in mind, 得 has other functions too which you will learn to associate different meanings as you progress.



as a native speaker, I am confused by「說的好!」 and 「說得好!」.

after checked on the internet, it seems they are both correct.
「說的好!」 refer to the content one said is good.
「說得好!」 the action perform well.

做的好! (幹的好!)

You can use replace with “地” as well, especially after repeatedly words.
We tend to use “地” for those words: 漸漸"地"、慢慢"地"。

If you can a very simple explanation, you can treat them like english “ly” - to describe a verb or adjective.

I would say ”做的好“ and ”说的好“ are not technically correct. From my experience, it’s common place that most natives use 的 to explain all three 的,得 and 地, just like many English natives mix up your and you’re or their, there and they’re.

的 comes before a noun usually eg 我的手机,美丽的花园
得 comes after a verb eg. 说得好
地 has more uses but is generally used as an adverb eg. 慢慢地升了起来 - very similar to the -ly in English as you said.

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maybe you are right. when it comes to grammar, native speakers usually are not as helpful as experienced learners. ha :slight_smile:

Originally, there were only 的(我的,红的;慢慢的) and 得(长得高,吃得快)。In the last half century influenced by foreign language translations, 地 appeared as a word in adverb. Same as 她(she),Chinese didn’t have this word to refer to ‘she’ before. It appeared early last century created by 赵元任to refer English “she”. Chinese used to use 他 as the third part whether man or woman.

Too means “more than enough” or “excessive” . BTW the spelling of example is also wrong, it should be “e” as first letter rather than “a”.