What happens to follow LingQ members?

There used to be News feed where members’ activities can be seen on my profile page. What is the benefit of following members now?

Are there any filters where I can find members who are learning English and Japanese?

When I post discussion times on Speaking section, I see a “share” bottom to notify members that I set the times up. Is the notification sent to my followers when I click it? There is a column to specify users in order to send the notification to. But, when I typed in the user’s name, the name didn’t come up. Is this function working?


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This is another strange thing with ‘follow-Lingq members’ in a new version:
if somebody gives me a rose for a lesson, he becomes automatically my ‘follower’ although maybe he doesn’t want to follow me, he has just liked my certain lesson.
These actions were seperate in a former version: to give a rose and to follow someone.

I did not know that! Since I can’t seem to track of members’ activities on my profile page, following members is just like making a bookmark on my profile page to me. I see news feeds on Exchange page. Are the news feeds from my followers only ?