I have pressed the "classic mode" button. How do I switch back?

I pressed the “classic” button in a lesson, assuming I could go back to the new design of course, but I didn’t find where to switch back anywhere. I went through my settings many times, looked everywhere. Is there a way to switch back?

If there is no mention “Try the New View” instead of the classic button, the only thing you could do is to go out of the program and start again.

With “go out of the program” you mean, restart chrome? I’ve done that of course. I also cleaned up the cache and cookies, but it didn’t work. I also tried loging in firefox. Or you mean delete my account and make a new one? I don’t wanna loose all my progress =|

No, I don’t mean delete your account, I mean restart the program. And of course try other browsers, or start your computer again.

So, sorry if its a dumb question, but what is the program? and how do I restart it?

The program you are working with is Lingq.com. You probably have a little x in the right upper corner of your screen. Click on it to go out of Lingq. Then start Lingq again just as you did it the first time.

Ok, I think I found a way around it: In the top menu, in the “Learn” tab, where it shows “home, library, my imports, vocabulary, import lessons”, after that, there is what seems to be my most recent viewed lessons, and when I click on one of them its shown in the new design, not classic.

Very odd though, is this a known issue?

Oh ok, yeah I tried doing that.

Hi linck5,
If you are still experiencing this issue, can you please contact us on support email ( support(at)lingq.com ) and we will help you there. Thanks!