Settings/#profile page

When I view my settings/#profile page I don’t see any OK button with which I could save the changes I made. Is this because I’m only a free member?

My membership is a Premium Plus. There is no “OK” button on my Account Settings page. Does this mean that we cannot change anything on the page? If that is the case, programming bugs are surely enjoying eating scripts on the hard disks of the LingQ server.

Hello Yutaka, on your profile/Yutaka/ page there is a bio-text, namely “My username is Yutaka” and so on. How did you load it up?

I suppose there used to be the botton somewhere on the page.

On your settings/#profile page, do you see the text that is displayed on your profile/Yutaka page? And can you change it?

Hi KlausSchaefer,

The settings will save automatically when you go to another page or reload the page.


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Just in case you are still waiting for a full reply: Yes, you can edit your profile (bio) information. Just click your avatar to get to your profile and and underneath your username you’ll see Edit Profile. As Kiran says, once you’ve made the necessary changes they will be saved automatically.

“Once you’ve made the necessary changes they will be saved automatically.”
Thank you for your explanation, but I am not brave enough to enjoy testing this myself.
In addition, I don’t think that this prevents us from making unnecessary changes unintentionally.

Hi Yutaka,
What makes you think that “Save” button on the Settings page can prevent you from making unnecessary changes unintentionally? Even if you make unnecessary changes, you will stay on Settings page, and this changes will be reflected once when you leave the Settings page. That means that if you made some mistake, you will stay on same page and you will be able to correct it.

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“Even if you make unnecessary changes, you will stay on Settings page, and this changes will be reflected once when you leave the Settings page.”

Sometimes we fail to look before we leap. I wonder what would happen if we changed important data on the settings page that is used to identify us on the Internet.

I’m trying to edit my bio section of my profile but after I click off the page, this section doesn’t appear to be updated. In other words, my changes do not save automatically! Any advice would be much welcomed :slight_smile:

Sorry about that. Can you please try again? It should be working properly now.

Hi again , unfortunately it’s not working! Settings also revert back to what they were originally.

Which informations are you trying to update? do you get error message somewhere on the page when you add new informations?