Inconsistency in email's "LingQ's of the Day"

Os email’s “LingQ’s” dos dias 1, 2 e 3 deste mês estão com inconsistência, senão vejamos: ao acessar “FlashCards”, os termos aparecem em português quando deveriam aparecer em inglês, vez que estou cursando esta língua. O mesmo acontece para “ditato”, “Fechar” e “MúltipleChoice”. Solicito reenviar os referidos “LingQs” devidamente corrigidos.

Hi @klafkebr - as I understand correctly, you want to receive your LingQs of the Day in English. I just took a look at your account. You dictionary language is set up as Portuguese. You should go to your Settings page and select English as your dictionary language. Please let us know if you have any additional questions!


I have not had daily LingQs for some time…and when I check my settings…I should be getting them??


@opewale - I have just checked our mailing system. You are in the list for LingQs of the Day. Please check your email settings on the Settings page (at the bottom). Also make sure to check your spam box as sometimes emails go to spam. If you still don’t receive your daily emails, please let us know.


No the LIngQ’s if day are not going into my spam or trash folder…as I do check those. I have not been getting them for some time as I said. Thanks

@opewale - Sorry! I checked it again, and it seems that you were suppressed from the email list for some reason. But now we have got you back to our list. You should now receive your LingQs of the Day again :slight_smile: