Maybe i shouldnt worry but why is "hon dömts" used

Maybe i shouldnt worry but why is “hon dömts” used here and hon dömdes" in another instance. If dömts is like the 4th form of the verb shouldnt it be used with “ha” or “vara”?

The “har” often seems to be left out after SOM - e.g. “SOM hon dömts till” or in phrases where SOM could be inserted, e.g. böterna (SOM) hon dömts till - and sometimes in other situations and there doesn’t seem to be any grammatical explanation, possibly from media trying to reduce number of words to fit articles into copy (?). A convoluted explanation, but hope it helps :slight_smile: Hyvää viikonloppua!

Thank you a lot! :smiley: kiitos

You’re rigt, @adrian. You can also read in Svenska Akademiens Språklära (TOR G. HULTMAN) p. 290 this:
I bisatser kan de finita formerna av hjälpverbet “ha” utelämnas…
Konstruktionen är vanlig i skriftspråk men förekommer även ganska ofta i talspråk.

well this is remarcable! they dont teach that to us at school ever.

I’m sure you’ll do it at university. BTW, thanks for the roses!

nä im studying business :smiley: learning swedish just for pure pleasure