Translation help: Es ist ziemlich groß, aber dort hält man

Translation help: Es ist ziemlich groß, aber dort hält man sich auch viel auf. I can only guess at this meaning.

My go at the translation would be:
“It’s quite big, but you also spend a lot of time in there.”

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The separable and reflexive verb is probably what’s throwing you off.
The verb here is “sich aufhalten” which means “to stay”.

When separated in this example, the verb root appears in the third person conjugation as “hält” in position 2, and the separable prefix “auf”, as a rule, goes to the end. The reflexive pronoun “sich” of course follows the subject it refers to, in this case “man”.

So, “dort hält man sich auch viel auf” = “one also stays there often”

Or in JapaneseLearner’s more natural English expression; “you also spend a lot of time in there.”

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“Gleich neben dem Esszimmer liegt das Wohnzimmer. Es ist ziemlich groß, aber dort hält man sich auch viel auf”

“Dort” means “there” and is referring back to “Wohnzimmer”.
“Sich aufhalten” means “to be somewhere” and in this case, “somewhere” is “in the living room”.^^

“The living room is big, but one spends a lot of time there”.

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You all are fantastic! Thanks for clearing this up for me. I really appreciate all your comments and expanded explanations…

“Gleich neben dem Esszimmer liegt das Wohnzimmer. Es ist ziemlich groß, aber dort hält man sich auch viel auf”

I don’t know what these native speakers are talking about. The obvious translation is of course

“Alike next to the eatroom lies the liveroom. It is rather big, but there stops one themself also much on.”

I hope this clears things up for you. German is a strange language.