Me tocó la decisión - does this mean that the decision touched the person in an emotional sense or the person "took" the decision when it was available? Thanks for the help

me tocó la decisión - does this mean that the decision touched the person in an emotional sense or the person “took” the decision when it was available? Thanks for the help.

“Tocar” can be used to mean that something “gets” to you, it’s allotted to you, …
Some examples:
“Te toca a ti” = It’s your turn, for example, at a game, when standing in line, …
“Me toca esperar” = I have to wait, it’s the time for me to wait, …
“Es lo que toca” = That’s the way it is in this moment, it’s what it must be done in this moment
“Me ha tocado la lotería” = I got the prize at the lottery

“Me tocó la decisión” = I had to decide, the moment came for me to decide, it was a decision I couldn’t escape, It was for me to decide, …

Muchas gracias.