Learning German using Kafka's books

Some year ago, I was very enthusiastic about language learning, but currently I spend most of my time in other activities. So I’m really not going to spend a lot of time on this, maybe an hour per day.

Nevertheless, I would like very much to learn German, and I would like to study on my own.
Since I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this, I was thinking about what would be a good studying material. It has to be something that I will find very entertaining.

I think that a good approach would be to start reading Kafka’s books. The only problem is that my current level of German is very close to A2, and I, although understand some grammar structures, do not know the majority of vocabulary in this books

Do you think that this would be recommendable? My worries are concerned with the possibility that trying to study books of this level would be very hard, and, therefore, convey little progress.

I’m sorry for my English, it’s not mi first language.

Hmm, I quite honestly wouldn’t recommend this for a learner. For one thing, Kafka doesn’t use standard German punctuation, so (unless you get a “corrected” school edition) you’ll be learning the wrong system for placing commas, etc.

I like Fr. Kafka and Thomas Mann but I can’t recommend them for German studying, especially if you have only A2 level.
For reading Kafka you need C2 level paying attention that his works contain a lot of old-fashionesd words.
I recvommend you firstly to search some interesting podcasts in the German library of lingq.com - we have there about 5000 podcasts for different levels and different contents.
But if you like very much F.Kafka, you can combine reading and listerning to some podcasts from lingq.com with a slow reading your favourite Kafka.