Study binge day. How to go about this?

My day is free and i’ve decided to spend the day studying Russian. What should I do within this time? Should I set a word goal?

Nah, divide the day up into activities, reading listening while following along, pronouncing out loud, flash cards if you like, etc, and don’t forget some exercise.

I don’t know your level.
In any case, you have to read and to listen some lessons or podcasts.
We have here in the Russian library a lot of lessons in different levels.
If you are a beginner, you can use my courses 'Русский с нуля, Первые шаги, начнём, Мои первые диалоги.
If you are at the level A2, you can use the courses Начинаем говорить по-русски, Простые тексты, Полезные диалоги.
If you are at the level B1, you can use the podcasts from the collections Рассказы о России, День за днем, Практическая грамматика
If you are at the level B2, you can use Рассказы с Евгением, О времени и о себе, В газетах пишут.
If you are at the level C1, you can use Страницы истории России or some materials fromn the Internet
Good luck!
But don’t take the lessons which are too difficult for you.
In this case you can lose your motivation for the language study!..

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Do whatever you feel like doing. Don’t make it feel like it’s a binge. When it stops being fun go do something else.


If I was serious about spending some “quality time” with my language study, I might:

a) Employ some Lingq lessons with audio to exercise my listening comprehension;
b) Do some forward and reverse translations with some idiomatic expressions.

That’s because I recognize listening comprehension and idiomatic usages as my weak points. That doesn’t mean this is what you should do.

But I probably won’t binge on these things. For me “bingeing” means cuddling up with the Russian novel that I’m reading, inasmuch as one can cuddle with one’s computer or phone, and immersing myself in the story.

So, if you want to dedicate a large block of time, like the better part of a day, how about some targeted exercises alternating with pleasure reading or movies? (How much pleasure you can get right now will depend to a degree on your level, of course.)

Have fun with it, make it YOUR day! Don’t set a word goal, but rather a content goal. Maybe find some media, books, movies, music, etc. in your level and binge away. Make it a goal to find new content.