Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tomorrow we are celebrating Christmas and in several days 2016 will be over and we will celebrate New Year.
2016 was very difficult and unexpected year - Brexit, the voctory of Donald Tramp, the war in Syria etc. I would like to have a better New Year and I wish all our members:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Frohe Weihnachten und guten Rutsch ins Neujahr!
Bon Noёl et Bon Nouvel An!
Веселого Рождества и Счастливого Нового Года!
¡Año Nuevo!
Onnellista youlua! onnellista uutta vuotta!

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The same to you.
(I don’t celebrate Christmas because I am not a Christian. Am I a Buddhist? I don’t know. Am I a Shintoist? Probably not. Am I an Atheist? I am not a strong Atheist.)

“The belief of God is not a matter of common sense, or logic, or argument, but of feeling. It is as impossible to prove the existence of God as to disprove it. I do not believe in God. I see no need of such an idea. It is incredible to me that there should be an after-life. I find the notion of future punishment outrageous and of future reward extravagant. I am convinced that when I die, I shall cease entirely to live; I shall return to the earth I came from. "–W. Somerset Maugham

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Same to you: Frohe Weihnachten und guten Rutsch ins Neujahr! :slight_smile:

(I’m tempted to say that young ladies in Germany who want to celebrate the New Year should be sure to cover up extremely well because of the cold weather. But that might be misconstrued as Islamophobia, so let’s just say: long live third wave feminism!)

Buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo a tutti!
!חג שמח ושנה טובה

I thought you celebrated two weeks later!?

The Orthodox Church celerbrates Christmas on the 6/7 January.
But my family cvelebrates both dates- 25th December and 7th January- because my relatives from the father side were from Poland and Germany and my relatives from the mother side were from Russia, from Smolensk region.

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毛主席再次万岁!! xP

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Happy Christmas everybody. I’m having a very unchristmasy Christmas in China, but you gotta go where the money’s at, right?

I should really respond in all the languages where I am able to do so, plus a few more using google translate. However, I have spent the day cleaning, hanging lights, chopping and peeling vegetables, wrapping presents and otherwise helping my wife get ready for our Christmas Eve dinner with Mark and his family. Now my wife is calling me to clean the kitchen and set the table since she has to change and has been slaving most of the day not to mention the previous day, and the guests will arrive soon. So I will stick to English.

Merry Christmas to all of you in the LingQ community. The greatest thing about Christmas or any other regular festival or holiday or ceremony that people celebrate with their family, friends or loved ones, is the way these events make us stop to appreciate the people around us, with whom we share this life.

Language is also about sharing, sharing language, sharing experience, sharing culture, or sharing advice and knowledge when it comes to languages and learning them. I feel that LingQ contributes to this sharing by being a platform and community where people come together around their common interest in languages. Participating in LingQ gives me great satisfaction and happiness. I am deeply appreciative of all of those who have joined us at LingQ.

So Merry Christmas, and happy whatever other holidays you are celebrating at this time of year, as the days start to get longer again, and we are full of hope for what the next year will bring.



Spasiba! Schastlevogo novogo goda!

Merry Christmas and a happy peaceful new year to all LingQers - sincerely meant.

Right now I’m hitting home in order (belatedly!!) to relax and celebrate for a while.

Maybe I’ll be back to rattle the cage bars with more rabid Republican views in 2017? We’ll see :smiley:

In 2017 or in the year evgueny was assessing (“20016 was very difficult and unexpected year…”). Either way you have plenty of time to get drunk.

A Happy New Year to all Friends.This coming new year you can gift your friends and relatives an app which you may get translated by professional translator from “Migration Translator”.

Thanks for your attention! Typing is my weak point for ever!
I’ve corrected the year- although 20016 sounds not bad, doesn’t it?