Transliteration and translation on LingQ (Tranliteração e tradução no LingQ)

I think that LingQ should to have a transliteration of languages that do not use the Latin alphabet (Roman alphabet) made by natives and as a reward, the person would gain points for use in LingQ, languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian and so on … it is difficult to assimilate the alphabet or characters (ideograms) at the beginning. now the translation would be made by bílingual, trilingual or multilingual person to your native language and they also would gain points. What do you think about that?

Eu acredito que o LingQ deveria ter uma transliteração de idiomas que não usam o alfabeto latino (alfabeto romano) feita por nativos e como recompensa, a pessoa ganharia pontos para usar no LingQ, idiomas como o Mandarim, Japonês, Árabe, Russo e etc… é complicado assimilar o alfabeto ou caracteres (ideogramas) no inicio. agora a tradução seria feita por bílingues, trilingues ou poliglotas para o seu idioma nativo e eles também ganhariam pontos. O que vocês acham disso?

We do offer transliteration for Chinese and Japanese (pin yin, kana, romaji) where the writing system is based on ideograms. We are not offering this for alphabet based systems, (Korean, Cyrillic) because the need is not as greet, and in the case of Korean, the transliteration system in popular use is quite awful. I also find that the transliteration for Cyrillic is often a distraction from learning Cyrillic which is really not that difficult.

As for translations, that would be very useful. Anyone can translate any of our lessons and we will upload them. The place to ask for translations would be on the Exchange.

I think these are useful ideas from Dragone, and hope to hear from others on this.

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How about abjads? Such as in Arabic, Hebrew and hopefully other languages in the future (I’d love Persian). Getting a vowel-pointed version would be quite useful.

We have not really offered this script support in “non-supported languages”. It may not be a big deal, however, I just don’t know. Can you provide more info on abjads.

“Abjad” is just the term for scripts such as arabic or Hebrew. They note consonants and maybe (ambiguously) long vowels but typically they don’t note vowels. So you don’t know how to pronounce a word if you don’t know it in advance. Short vowels can be optionally noted through marks over or above the consonants (“pointed”) but this is optional and not usually done.