The missing lingQs?

Hi everyone,

Is it just me or is anyone else not receiving their daily lingQs - to their apps as well as computer?
I haven’t had any for the last two days. :frowning:

Thanks Alex…I hope!


I also have a problem, but nobody seems to care. I e-mail the support page, and they answer me confuse things :confused:

Hmm, I just realized that I haven’t gotten mine either. The lists are still being generated on our site, and you can click the notification menu at the top to access the latest lists. Seems to be something with our email provider, so I’ll follow up with our development team and find out what’s going on here!

<<“The lists are still being generated on our site, and you can click the notification menu at the top to access the latest lists”>>

Thanks Alex,

I’ve been doing the Cloze tests as normal from the notification menu and that’s been fine. Fingers crossed for the mailing to be fixed asap, but at least it’s not me alone. :slight_smile:
