Avatar FAQ

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How can we help you?

How do I get clothing and other items?
Each level has a Known Words target. When you reach the target you move to the next level. When you move to the next level your avatar grows.
How many points do I earn for correcting writing?
The number varies from language to language. The numbers below are the minimum thresholds to achieve each level.
Beginner 1 Beginner 2 Intermediate 1 Intermediate 2 Update Settings Update Settings
Publish\Unpublish 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
Chinese (Beta) 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
سوئدی 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
یونانی 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
Japanese (Beta) 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
هلندی 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
آلمانی 500 1500 6000 12,000 20,750 30,250
فرانسوی 575 1700 6700 13,200 22,700 33,200
اسپانیایی 575 1700 6700 13,200 22,700 33,200
\ Learning %(language_title)s, simply.\ 575 1700 6700 13,200 22,700 33,200
ایتالیایی 575 1700 6700 13,200 22,700 33,200
optional 575 1700 6700 13,200 22,700 33,200
روسی 600 1800 7300 14,550 24,550 35,550
Published 600 1800 7300 14,550 24,550 35,550
چکی 600 1800 7300 14,550 24,550 35,550
اکراینی 600 1800 7300 14,550 24,550 35,550
کره‌ای 600 1800 7300 14,550 24,550 35,550
How do I get clothing and other items?
You earn avatar coins by creating LingQs. Use your coins to purchase artifacts in the Avatar Store.
What does the apple signify?
The Activity Apple shows how active you have been on the site in the last 30 days. In addition, the Activity Leader in each language will receive a laurel wreath and the overall leader will receive a gold crown. There are seven different levels to show your activity, all based on your Activity Score:
1 - 4 5 - 99 100 - 499 500 - 999 1000 - 1999 2000 - 3999 4000+
How do I get writing awards?
Writing awards are based on the number of words of writing submitted, and are automatically received when you reach the following milestones:
100 1000 3000 5000 10000 16000 25000 35000 50000
How do I get clothing and other items?
Speaking awards are based on the number of conversation segments completed. Each conversation segment is equivalent to a 15-minute conversation, and each group conversation is worth 1 conversation segment. These awards are automatically received when you reach the following milestones:
1 5 15 25 50 80 125 175 250
Do I lose my items if I delete LingQs?
Yes, if your LingQ total falls below the total required for an item you have received, it will be removed from your avatar.
Will you be adding new items and avatars in the future?
We definitely plan on adding a lot more fun stuff to the avatars over time. Stay tuned!

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